Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I am so excited to be able to share with you the very exciting news that Crystal Jozsa Photography is moving into a studio that is located in Downtown Toledo.  I will be in the Historic Secor Building that is across the street from The Huntington Center and in the same building as The Registry Bistro.  We will be located on the 7th Floor in an all Natural Light Studio.  This is going to be such a great move for my business and I can't wait to continue sharing with you all the updates of this move.  I will be offering studio sessions after the 1st of the year.  Please continue to be on the look out for all the great updates of this new move!!!

Friday, December 14, 2012


I had the privilege of photographing the younger sister in these photos back in the fall.  When her sister got wind of the photos she wanted a shoot too!  So much fun and they had so many ideas.  I love when clients come to the shoot with ideas of their own. It makes the shoot so interacting!  The lighting was also so nice in the shots.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Little ones!

Oh My Goodness did I have so much fun with this group!  Look how precious they are!  I really didn't have any idea how photography would really impact my life.  Loving taking pictures is something I have done for so long, but being able to be a part of families lives through my photography wasn't something I truly thought about.  Taking their photos gives me so much joy.  Knowing that I am capturing a piece of their life that will last for eternity is such a wonderful feeling!  Welcome to the world little man!!!

Friday, November 30, 2012


These little men were so stinkin cute!  I had such more fun chasing them around.  Look at some of their expressions, just makes you smile!  I can't wait to have more time with them down the road :-) Brothers who will have a lasting bond for life and I am so lucky that I got to capture them when they were small!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Andrea + Andrew + Kennedy +Louie

I had the privilege of taking photos of this beautiful family!  I met Andrea in such a unique way this last summer.  We both took a class at one point in our journey from Kellee Laser.  Kellee offers classes on how to use your camera locally here in Toledo, OH. She gave us the tools that started us of!  After we both took her class we decided to take our love of photography and actually make a business out of it.  As we both continued to grow in our quest for our passion of photography we ended up at the same workshop this summer in Chicago, IL.  We couldn't believe we both took from Kellee and were in Chicago together and lived in Toledo, OH!  It really is such a small world!  There is always a plan!  We just don't always know what it is and just have to take the journey and embrace it :-)  So excited Andrea for our next one!!!!


Monday, November 26, 2012

Older Kids are so much fun to Photograph!

Look at these brown eyes!  Just love them!  I loved the coordinating of these outfits and the great colors of the outdoors!  Bigger kids are a lot of fun to take pictures of for so many reasons, but the Number 1 reason is they listen :-)  They don't do all the little things little people do, but they do give the exacts of the perfect picture!  I really enjoyed this family!

As you can see I put a specific picture they asked for me take at the very bottom!