Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mini Holiday Sessions Announced!

Crystal Jozsa Photography Mini Holiday Sessions!

I am offering 3 mini shoots for the Holiday Season.

These will be the last sessions being offered for 2012.

Christmas Themed Props will be available for shoot.

Cost $50

Time 15 minutes

5 high resolution images 
(option of additional)

Nov 10- 577 Foundation in Perrsyburg
3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30

Nov 11- Wildwood Metropark
3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30

Dec 8- Downtown Sylvania
3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30

Please email me at crystaljozsaphotography@hotmail.com to reserve your spot.


Monday, October 22, 2012

Emery turns 1!

Little Emery turns 1! She was such a doll baby and so much fun to capture for such a wonderful occasion.  Mom was so generous to let me photograph Emery when I was just starting out as a practice shoot.  So I was so delighted when she called me asking to do her 1 year old pictures.  

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fall is so much fun!

I had so much fun with this family on such a beautiful day!  I love going to Perrysburg!  These little boys brought smiles to my face at the shoot and then while I edited these pictures.  Two little cuties!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Surprise Birthday Party!

I had such a wonderful time capturing this families special moment in time!  I was asked to photograph a families surprise 60th Birthday party for their mother.  All the children came in from different states ranging from New York to Illinois.  It was a beautiful occasion and I was fortunate to be able to capture this for them. They held this at Kalahari waterpark in Sandusky, OH.  It was so much fun and they were so welcoming to me!

Thanks Hegarty Family for asking me to be a part of your special day!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Crystal Jozsa Photography is Offering a WORKSHOP!

WHEN: Saturday January 19, 2013 10 am- 11:30 am
WHERE:  Bigby Coffee Shop at Cricket West on corner of Secor/Central
Please Note:  This class will be focusing on the every day photos you take, and the basic concepts of using your camera off of auto-mode. 
* A packet of information of what we cover to take home.
* A yummy drink from Bigby and baked goods.
* A private facebook group to stay connected and help each other learn after the class is over.
* A practice session with model to review what we learned at end of class.
* a DSLR camera  (this is a digital camera that allows you to switch lenses).   Here’s a general list of popular DSLR camera’s:
nice~Canon Digital Rebel T3, Canon Digital Rebel T2i, Nikon D3000, Nikon D5100 ($500-$650 with kit lens)
nicer~Canon Digital Rebel T3i, Canon 60D , Nikon D90 ($780-$980 body only)
nicest~Canon Canon 7D, Canon 5D Mark II & III, Nikon D300, Nikon D7000, Nikon D700 ($1500-$2800 body only)
* Kit Lens that comes with your camera.  
* You must bring your manual!
The cost the workshop is $60+tax, due when you register (this is the only way to officially reserve your seat).  I am limiting the class to 8 people, so that we have time for a little one-on-one instruction.
* Learn how to get your camera off ‘auto mode’ by understand the exposure triangle (ISO, Shutter speed, Aperture).
* Learn how to utilize natural light and turn your flash off!
* Tips on getting natural and candid photographs of your children.
* Understanding composition and how it effects the feel of your picture.
*Email me:  crystaljozsaphotography@hotmail.com. 
fine print:  The workshop fee of $60 (+ tax) is due at time of registration and is non refundable.  However, you may sell your seat to someone else if you are unable to attend.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Funky, Fabulous Fashion Show Toni & Guy Toledo, OH

I had an awesome time at this fashion show capturing the work of these students.  All the models were done up with some type of hair piece.  Either their clothing, their hair pieces or some part of their body.  It was completely amazing what these students did and how their models showed their work.  I was fortunate to be brought in on this job via my brother who owns Rambo Studios. He did all the video work for them and their opening video.   I also wanted to show the video he put together for the opening of their show.  Keep in mind this was a funky show, so the video is funky!


I am really impressed with his work if you ever need any video work done.

I will have a full gallery of this show up by tomorrow morning at crystaljozsaphotography.smugmug.com!